Our Organization

Founded in 1999, Proud Ground pioneered the concept of city-wide, permanently affordable homeownership opportunities. Over the years, our reach has extended to six counties – Clackamas, Clark, Lincoln, Multnomah, Jackson and Washington – where we have assisted more than 700 families in achieving their dream of becoming first-time homeowners.

Today, Proud Ground stands as one of the nation's foremost Community Land Trusts. Our commitment lies in safeguarding neighborhoods by guaranteeing that working families can not only reside in their community but also maintain the affordability of their homes for generations to come.

Proud Ground operates as a membership-based organization, bestowing voting rights upon homeowners and donors in shaping our organizational decisions. This ensures that the very community members we serve have a direct role in steering our mission-driven initiatives.

Donate to become a member and contribute to this vital cause.

Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Create Permanently affordable homeownership opportunities using the community land trust model to ensure multi-generational stability. 


A livable, equitable, and economically viable community where every family has access to affordable homes in the community of their choice. 


  • Deliver inclusive, equitable, accessible services for racial justice

  • Prioritize support for marginalized groups: People of Color and low-income households

  • Be passionate and committed to organizational impact

  • Be open and eager to commit to leading with equity.


Land Acknowledgment

Proud Ground respectfully acknowledges that we operate on the traditional homelands of a diverse array of indigenous tribes and bands, including the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, and others, who historically inhabited this area along the Columbia River. Today, it is home to a thriving native community representing over 600 tribal nations.

Proud Ground Equity Statement