
As housing costs in core neighborhoods appreciate, at-risk households are priced out and forced to move out of their communities. This causes overall family instability- from children forced to change schools and parents needing to commute further for employment to households limited in building wealth and separated from established, community support systems, like neighbors, parishes, and day-care.

As inequities persist in homeownership, generations of families are excluded from the opportunity to build wealth through homeownership. This disproportionately impacts lower-income, households of Color. These households have been systemically locked out of homeownership and continue to experience instability from rising rents that leads to generational poverty. There is a critical need for homeownership opportunities to be more affordable and in turn more inclusive.

Dad, son and dog standing infant of a fence

Proud Ground advocates for more affordable housing for households at risk of displacement.

But, we need your help.

Join one of the following advocacy groups or contact Dominique Merriweather at ( to get involved or contact your elected official directly.